Thursday 27 October 2011 0 comments

Cat tail communication

Wednesday 26 October 2011 0 comments

Can't get over Bu Bu Jing Xin 《步步惊心》

Ever since I completed watching this series, I am not able to start watching any other series. True! I can't get over the story-line, the characters, the actors who brought life to these characters.

And I love all the 3 themesongs!

I can't get over the fact why Ruoxi (the main character) did not chose 14th Prince when she was betrothed to him??? He has the looks, the stability etc.

14th Prince in modern attire

So handsome, isn't he??
Monday 24 October 2011 1 comments

Being randomly Ah-Moi (ed) at

One of the peeves that a lot of girls in Malaysia experience is being randomly called Ah Moi by strangers, especially after being wolf-whistled by those idlers on the streets or just anybody random. Most of the time it is said it in a very demeaning manner with a hint of hamsapness as though all of us girls are PRO or GRO. I hate it when men called me Ah Moi.  I  hate it when people called me Ah Moi when they don't know what it means (especially those who don't speak Chinese and yet use the term), that is why they Ah Moi -ed at girls in demeaning manner. 

The origins of Ah Moi means Little Sister in Hakka dialect. In Chinese, it is probably written as 阿妹. It is supposed to be a term of endearment. 

So if you want to called us girls Ah Moi, Ah Mei or Xiao Mei, at least say it with some respect and dignity.

Thursday 20 October 2011 0 comments

When on the verge of committing suicide

Can you imagine like suddenly, somebody you knew tried to commit suicide. I couldn't. But it happened.

A neighbour of mine has just broken up with her boyfriend not too long ago. While her family went out of town for the weekend, she stayed back due to work and maybe she thought she could handle the heartbreak. There was one night when I saw her ex-bf entering her house so I thought they have reconciled or something like that. I didn't see when the ex-bf left though.

And then next day my neighbours return from their trip, ahead of schedule. We were wondering about that too.

Then just yesterday, we heard that the poor girl had attempted suicide the night I saw her ex-bf entering her house! I mean, we didn't even know! The poor girl swallowed all kinds of pills in her house, including Chinese herbs. But the funny thing is, she met up a friend after doing so and probably confessed what she has done and thus lead to her being admitted to the hospital and her family's urgent return.


I mean, girls..when you are thinking of committing suicide over a heartbreak like this, think again! Consider your parents, your family, your friends who still care about you. Your parents who had raised you up, who labor to put food on the table, who looked after your well-being, who made sure you obtain the best education. Compare their labor of 20 odd years and the super short period of time dating your lousy ex-bf.

That guy, does-not-deserve-you-to-die-for-him.

Dear, if people can overcome a terrible divorce or surviving after their partner's death, then it is not impossible to overcome this.

There are so much more to life than to be stuck with someone who doesn't appreciate you.

Keep yourself busy, find new hobbies and maybe go for a holiday. Time will heal, my dear! And who knows, someone better is on his way.

(picture source: Facebook)
Monday 17 October 2011 0 comments

Life as freshie in the workforce

  • It's weird to see how bosses display their fury. 

  • All of sudden friends stop contacting each other or don't really keep in touch anymore. Life becomes lonelier. Bosom friends whom I regularly gossip/share with during college years suddenly equate my complaints to agony aunts. I know, they too are struggling with heaps of problems. Sigh.

  • Enter into the real world of politics. Work is politics, friends are politics, family is politics. Let's put it this way, if you are of no value, no one really bothers. Value means: how much money you have or how much money you can help them to make. 

  • All of sudden those adults become big meanies. Remember those uncles and aunties who were so nice to you when you were young? Your parents' friends, etc? They were so nice, right? Compare it with your older colleagues or older people whom you met at work. HAHA! 

  • Aspire to change the world? If you have grown up reading biographies of famous people and felt very motivated from their achievements to the extent your life is about living by their quotable quotes, I'm sorry to break this to you: freshies' life is about feeling very small in the world. Get used to it, slowly and hopefully if your passions has not died down, good for you. For the rest of ordinary Joes and Janes like me, life is about putting food on the table. Sometimes when I have the time, I try to remember what my dream was (which in fact changes whenever I discover new fascinations in life :-P) 

  • I felt poorer than I was in college though the allowances I received during college is obviously lower than my salary. But financial obligations, savings, investments ..... yes, those. 

  • I can't skip work like I truant class! Annual leaves are much lesser than school holidays. 

  • There's no grading system.  Work quality has to be, at the very least, PERFECT.

  • Humility, humility, humility! 

  • Trust no one even if help is offered. If they live up to their promise, that's good. Otherwise, don't expect anything. 

  • The walls have ears. Yes, it does! Even if it's made of bricks and 5 inch thick. And when these walls have ears, they have mouths too!

Wednesday 12 October 2011 0 comments


The beginning of this blog is a quote from Oscar Wilde:-

A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.

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